Moira Set to Receive Another Rework in Overwatch 2 Amid Fan Criticism
Blizzard continues to work on balancing Moira, whose Overwatch 2 rework made her overpowered.
2022-07-31 03:00

Dead by Daylight 6.1.0 Update: Patch Notes Detailed
Here's a breakdown of the Mid-Chapter 6.1.0 patch notes for Dead by Daylight.
2022-07-20 17:00

TFT 12.13 Patch Notes: 3 Biggest Changes
With the release of Teamfight Tactics Patch 12.13 on July 13, fans are wondering: what are the three biggest changes to TFT in this patch?
2022-07-14 04:00

Apex Legends Devs Vow to Fix Ranked Issues in Season 13 — Again
One developer has confirmed the team is working on more Ranked changes in Apex Legends.
2022-06-24 08:00

Overwatch Fan Creates New Ability Concepts for Heroes Following OW2 PvP Beta
One Overwatch fan has taken it upon themselves to rework some of Overwatch's classic heroes, including Zenyatta and Mei.
2022-06-01 03:00

Overwatch 2 PVP Beta's Orisa Rework Has Sparked a Character Debate
Some Overwatch fans are frustrated by the character implications from Orisa's Overwatch 2 reworked kit.
2022-05-23 03:00

Lifeline Pick Rate Hits All-Time Low in Apex Legends Season 13
Lifeline's pick rate has hit an all-time low following the release of Apex Legends Season 13.
2022-05-22 04:00

Players Request Pathfinder Changes After Seeing His Buffed Kit in Apex Legends Mobile
When comparing the Recon Legends in Apex Legends: Saviors, it's fairly easy to see why many in the community feel
2022-05-20 12:00

Apex Legends Dev Confirms Respawn is Looking to 'Tackle' Shield Meta
It appears Gibraltar could be in line for a nerf in Apex Legends in the near future.
2022-05-09 00:00

No Lifeline Changes Coming in Apex Legends Season 13, Respawn Confirms
According to Respawn Entertainment senior game designer Devan McGuire, it appears Apex Legends players shouldn't be holding their breath for Lifeline changes coming anytime soon.
2022-05-08 06:00

Overwatch 2: Soldier 76 Rework Detailed
With all the crazy different flavours of heroes presented in Overwatch, the extra vanilla taste of Soldier 76 proves he's the one most deserving of a full on rework.
2022-04-29 04:00

Overwatch 2 Mercy Rework Detailed
With the Overwatch 2 PvP Beta having gone live, players are discovering a number of reworks that have been rolled out to some of their favorite heroes.
2022-04-28 18:00